About metaphorik.de

Submit a manuscript

Metaphorik.de cordially invites contributions about metaphor and metonymy in language, literature, and the media. Submissions should encompass 5,000-10,000 words (excluding references) and be written in one of the following languages: Catalan, English, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish. Every paper should be preceded by an abstract in German and in English (each max. 150 words).

Proposals (full-text papers) for the regular issues of metaphorik.de can be sent to the editors via email anytime at info@metaphorik.de. Please use one of the following file formats: *docx or *odt (contributions in *.doc (MS Word 1997) are no longer accepted. If you want to submit a paper for a special issue, please note the deadlines of the respective call. After the peer-review process of your submission, we will contact you.

When writing your paper (proposal), please adhere to our formatting guidelines for submissions


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