
Guidelines for submissions to

We will carry out most of the formatting of your final manuscript (e.g., margins, font size, typeface, etc.). You do not have to pay attention to these aspects. However, some aspects cannot be done automatically and we therefore kindly ask you to observe the following guidelines:

1. Title and information about authors:

Contributions should encompass 5,000 to 10,000 words and be written in one of the following languages: Catalan, English, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish. Please use one of the following file formats: *.doc, *docx, *odt. Please use the following order for title and information about the authors: title, subtitle (if applicable), name of the author(s) (if the paper is co-authored, please separate the authors with a slash, but without spaces), email address(es).

2. Abstracts

Your paper should be preceded by an abstract in German and in English (each max. 150 words).

3. Structure:

The structure of your contribution should follow the following pattern: 1., 1.1, 1.1.1 etc. Please refrain from using more than three levels of structure. Please do not insert blank lines between the different sections / sub-sections of your paper. We will insert these automatically during the final formatting process.

4. Basic formatting:

Please do not use syllabication! Quotations (longer than three lines) should have a left indent and feature the appropriate reference to the source. They should be without quotation marks. Please use footnotes (and not endnotes).

5. In-text citations

Please use “quotation marks” for in-text citations and ‘single quotation marks’ for quotes within quotations. Omissions should be indicated by [...]. In-text citations should follow the following schema: author (year:page). o Example: According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980:6), metaphors are... Works that are merely mentioned in the text should be in italics and without quotation marks. o Example: Lakoff and Johnson‘s Metaphors We Live By marked the beginning...

6. Linguistic examples from your corpus

Your linguistic examples should be numbered consecutively. Please highlight the relevant structures in bold and italics. o Example:(1) Alicia and Will were an adorable couple at law school, but their love didn’t seem to last. After law school, they went separate ways. (If applicable: medium, date, page) Please keep in mind that a wider context or co-text is often necessary for the reader in order to understand the metaphor use you intend to illustrate. .

7. Tables and figures

Please make sure that the content of your tables and figures is legible. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and be inserted where you would like them to appear. All tables should be referred to in the text. Please do not use relative indicators (e.g., “the table below”, “this table”) when referring to your tables and figures. Reference tables and figures unambiguously instead (e.g., “see Table 3”).

8. References

The references are listed alphabetically (and then chronologically) at the end of your paper. The list should contain all references that are mentioned in the text – and only those. Internet-Sources should feature the address of the website and the date of your last access:

- Example: (22.05.2002).

Monographs / Edited Volumes: The order should be: last name, first name ([if applicable] ed.) (year): Title, place of publication.

- Examples:

Meierbeer, Kunigunde/Schöller, Christian (eds.) (2000): Metapher, Metonymie und Kontingenz, Konstanz.

Ötker, Dagobert (2000): Fressen und Gefressen werden. Onomasiologische Studien zu Nahrungsverben im Französischen und Spanischen, Bonn.

Articles (in journals and books): Last name, first name (year): „Title“, in: Journal volume, issue, pages. Last name, first name (year): „Title“, in: last name, first name /ed.): Edited Volume, place, pages.

- Examples:

Paukenschlag, Charlotte (2001): „Metaphern für Sprache“, in: Metaphor and Language 23, 135-243.

Vorwerk, Karin (2001): „Produktnamen für Staubsauger im Französischen und Italienischen“, in: Rumpelstilzchen, Hanna (ed.): Produktnamen in der Romania, Hamburg, 100-119. Please do not use any additional formatting!!!

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