Underhill, James W. (2011), Creating Worldviews. Metaphor, Ideology and Language, Edinburgh: University Press, 301S. Auteur: Visser, Judith Lire la suite de Underhill, James W. (2011), Creating Worldviews. Metaphor, Ideology and Language, Edinburgh: University Press, 301S.
Do near-synonyms occur with the same metaphors: A comparison of anger terms in American English Auteur: Turkkila, Kaisa Lire la suite de Do near-synonyms occur with the same metaphors: A comparison of anger terms in American English
The place of metaphor in a devolved cognitive linguistics Auteur: Strugielska, Ariadna Lire la suite de The place of metaphor in a devolved cognitive linguistics
Rediscovering the cognitive-semiotic and cognitive-pragmatic approaches to metaphor in the work of Johann Heinrich Lambert and Philipp Wegener Auteur: Schröder, Ulrike Lire la suite de Rediscovering the cognitive-semiotic and cognitive-pragmatic approaches to metaphor in the work of Johann Heinrich Lambert and Philipp Wegener
Zur Funktion der Doping-Metapher in der deutschen Alltagssprache Auteur: Rose, Anica Lire la suite de Zur Funktion der Doping-Metapher in der deutschen Alltagssprache
Deliberate metaphors in political discourse: the case of citizen discourse Auteur: Perrez, JulienReuchamps, Min Lire la suite de Deliberate metaphors in political discourse: the case of citizen discourse
metaphorik.de 25/2014 Herausgeberteam – Editorial Staff – Équipe éditorialeAnke Beger / Martin Döring / Olaf Jäkel / Katrin Mutz /Dietmar Osthus / Claudia Polzin-Haumann / Judith VisserISSN 1618-2006 (Internet)ISSN 1865-0716 (Print) Langue Indéfini Lire la suite de metaphorik.de 25/2014