Bjelić, Dušan I. /Savić, Obrad, 2002. Balkan as Metaphor. Between Globalization and Fragmentation, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 382p. Ausgabe: 07Jahrgang: 2004Seite 137Mühlschlegel, Ulrikegroup_fulltextPDFDownload kompletter Artikel (PDF): 07_2004_rezensionbjelicsavic.pdf ‹ Metaphors, stereotypes, and the linguistic picture of the world: Impulses from the Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin nach oben Boys-Stones, George R., ed. 2003.Metaphor, Allegory and the Classical Tradition: Ancient Thought and Modern Revisions, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 305p. › Druckversion